Get Healthy
Introductory article - Get Healthy - September 11, 2020
This is the fourth article in a series related to achieving health for life and considers strategies for making dietary and physical activity changes.
Introductory article - Get Healthy - September 04, 2020
The third article in a series of articles considers physical activity and exercise in relation to a physical activity plan that is “best” for you.
Introductory article - Get Healthy - August 28, 2020
This is the second article in a series of articles related to achieving health for life and specifically considers diet and what to look for to achieve a healthy diet that’s right for you.
Introductory article - Get Healthy - August 21, 2020
This is the first in a series of articles to help you develop a functional and sustainable eating and physical activity plan for life.
Introductory article - Get Healthy - November 02, 2019
Do you pick chicken or beef, brown or white rice, broccoli or carrots? Which of these is the healthiest? Food selection is only one part of making healthy food choices.