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Short Intense Workouts: Are They For You?
Headline - Exercise - April 15, 2022
Short intense bouts of exercise improve cardiac and calorie output and can improve your health. But if you are looking for a quick fix for weight loss or weight maintenance this regime may not hit the spot.
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Women: How Heart Smart Are You?
Headline - Know Yourself - February 18, 2022
Women were once considered to have a lower risk of heart disease than men. However, almost 30% of all female deaths are now caused by heart disease. What factors increase your risk for heart disease and what actions can you take to protect your heart?
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Men: How Heart Smart Are You?
Headline - Know Yourself - January 07, 2022
Heart attacks and strokes can happen at any age. Lifestyle practices have the potential to increase or decrease your risk for heart disease. Are you actively protecting your heart or are you taking its health for granted?
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Overweight: Is Being Overweight Unhealthy Or Not?
Headline - Know Yourself - August 13, 2021
Controversial research suggests being moderately overweight may increase longevity. Does this imply that being overweight can be healthy? Is it possible to be healthy even if you are not at a healthy body weight?
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Diet "Waist" Land
Headline - Get Healthy - June 21, 2021
Diet after diet fails you. The perfect diet must be out there somewhere. How can you identify diet hogwash and prevent yourself from falling in to the yoyo diet and expanding waist line trap?
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