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Exercise and appetite

Published: July 22, 2022

Add fruit to provide carbohydrat, vitamins, and minerals
Add fruit to provide carbohydrat, vitamins, and minerals

Both diet and physical activity influence a healthy body weight.

In the extreme too little physical activity or exercise and too much food can create an unhealthy body as can too much physical activity or exercise and too little food.
Neither physical activity nor diet alone appears to promote healthy body weight over the long term.
People sometimes experience little weight loss and possibly weight gain through increased physical activity with no change to their dietary habits.
Restricting food intame without increasing physical activity may result in initial weight loss, but may not be sustainable over the long term.
From a health perspective, diet and physical activity go hand in hand: they’re joined at the hip.
Somewhere along the spectrum, in between the extremes, you will find a combination of diet and physical activity that will help you attain and maintain a healthy body weight.
In our quick fix and quick results society diets which promote rapid weight loss results appear to be venerated.
However, many of these diets either ignore the benefits of physical activity or prescribe a less than healthful physical activity requirement.
Some people experience initial weight gain (or no weight loss) when they start a physical activity or exercise program, even with dietary changes.
However, over time weight loss occurs along with many other beneficial physiological changes.
One reason that people may experience weight gain or no weight loss when energy expenditure is increased is that dietary intake may also increase...link to the full article to learn  more.


Center for Science in the Public Interest, June 2012 NutritionAction Newsletter
Center for Science in the Public Interest, August 2010 Nutrition action Newsletter
Center for Science in the Public Interest. December 2013 NutritionAction Newsletter
Stensel & Thomas. Exercise and Appetite. CSEP Interactions of Exercise and appetite in Adults and children