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Healthy or ideal body weight: are these the same?

Published: January 14, 2022

The "ideal" body weight.

 A healthy body weight is more than a number
A healthy body weight is more than a number
All too frequently weight loss programs imply that each person has an "ideal" body weight: a specific number that appears when you stand on the bathroom scales.
However, the number that appears, even if the scales are accurate, does not necessarily tell you if your weight is a healthy body weight.
A supposedly "ideal" body weight is not necessarily synonymous with a healthy body weight.
Ideal body weights are usually calculated using weight and height comparison tables that were once used by insurance .
This caluclation is now considered outdated for determining health. 
The number on the scale is only one indicator of the "healthiness" of your weight.
Other body measurements are needed if you want to know whether your weight is healthy and ideal for you.
In addition to various body measurements, a healthy body weight is also associated with feeling good, physical appearance, clothes that fit, having energy, and healthy hair, skin and nails.
Being overweight or underweight can be associated with poor health, but how can you determine your healthy and ideal body weight?
A series of steps, which are described below, will help you determine various measurements that will enable you to evaluate your healthy body weight.
Your healthy body weight as determined by your measurements also take into account how you feel and perceive yourself.
You will also be able to determine your energy or calorie requirement and be directed to other articles to help you plan your healthy eating and exercise program.
This will help you attain and maintain your healthy and ideal body weight...link to the full article to learn more.

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Health  Weight  Your Body 


Corbin, C.B. & Lindsey, R. (1994). Concepts of Physical Fitness. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Communications Inc.
Whitney, E. & Rady Rolfes, S. (2005). Understanding Nutrition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
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