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Coenzyme Q10: Do you need to supplement?

Published: December 27, 2019


Do you need CoQ10 supplements?
Do you need CoQ10 supplements?
Coenzyme Q10 (Q10) deficiency was first associated with breast and other cancers more than fifty years ago.
Since then Q10 deficiency has been linked to other chronic diseases.
Research suggests that supplementation with this coenzyme may improve several conditions. Anti-aging agent has been added to Q10 health claims.
Alongside the health benefit claims of Q10 supplementation are claims that suggest some supplements may be worthless. 
Q10 supplements are readily available without prescription and it may seem that using these supplements is similar to taking a daily vitamin and mineral supplement to prevent deficiency.
But are you at risk for Q10 deficiency? What is Q10 and what does it do for you? Is the supplement you are taking effective or necessary?
This overview provides facts about coenzyme Q10 and supplementation.
What is coenzyme Q10

  • Coenzyme Q10 also known as ubiquinone, ubidecarenone, CoQ10, Q10 and vitamin Q10: naturally synthesised in your body
  • Synthesised in and present in nearly all cells of your body
  • As you age your requirement for the coenzyme increases while production decreases.

Functions of coenzyme Q10

  • Coenzyme Q10 is a strong oxidation agent with three oxidation states
  • Involved in metabolic processes which convert nutrients from food you consume, glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the energy molecule

Metabolic processes include:

  • Fatty acid oxidation, citric acid cycle,and electron transport chain ATP production
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Branched chain amino acid metabolism
  • Pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis: DNA synthesis
  • Antioxidant

Link to the full article to learn more about coenzyme Q10


Related Topics

Health  Metabolism  Nutrients  Your Body 


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