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Constipation: Relief which benefits your health.

Published: October 29, 2020

The large intestine: mechanism of elimination
The large intestine: mechanism of elimination

Constipation is the most common intestinal disorder in Western societies.

In general, constipation is considered as a condition in which the frequency and/or the quantity of stools are reduced. 
There is no single cause of constipation, but constipation is frequently a side effect of medications or related to lifestyle factors. 
Consequently, a diagnosis of constipation is extremely individualistic as there is a range of criteria that needs to be considered. 
Although constipation is not a disease, the disorder causes physical discomfort and may lead to other intestinal related conditions, such as diverticulosis and hemorrhoids, and deserves attention in relation to your overall health.
This course will provide you with an understanding of the following: 

  • Common causes of constipation
  • What being "regular" means
  • Prevention and alleviation of constipation
  • Laxatives and other medications to relieve constipation

Follow the link to the course and learn how to make changes in your diet, physical activity, and daily routine which can not only prevent and alleviate constipation, but may also provide you with a range of other health benefits.

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Beyer, P.L. (2004). Medical Nutrition Therapy for Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders. In Krause's Food, Nutrition & Diet Therapy (K. Mahan & S. Escott-Stump. Eds)(11th Ed.). Elsevier
Whitney, E. & Rady Rolfes, S. (2005). Understanding Nutrition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth